Replacement Brushes for the following Black and Decker models
5500-20/01, 7004-20, 7104-20, 7204-20, 7404-20,
7504-01/20, D404/R4, D808/R8, DNJ52, DN31,
DN522, H-720H, D208, DN-38, DN-75, DN-750..
Replacement brushes for the following Black and Decker power tools
P12-21, P22-21, PS54-13, HD2120, P63-031, P63-041,
P63-05, P15,31, DN-59, DN-229, HD2120, P63-031,
P63-041, P63-05, P15,31 ,MAG ..
New carbon brushes for the following Black and Decker power tools,
HD 2230, 5457-01, 5425-01, GD-25, D-484
Actual size is 12mm W x 6mm D
if not an exact match email us with whatever size..